Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pretty Hurts

I'm still trying to figure out this whole blog thing. I get so overwhelmed with the focus being solely on fashion but it's safe to say that I enjoy sharing more than just fashion. Don't get me wrong I LOVE FASHION but I love talking about life in general not just my outfit of the day. 

          ••SUNDAY FUN DAY••

I know it seems cliche to be quoting a Beyonce song but the song Pretty Hurts really explains the hardships that come with placing the heavy expectations of the world we live in on our soldiers. It's so easy to let this world rule our perceptions of what we consider "pretty". I too have fallen into this deep, dark, shallow tunnel of mainstream beauty. The sinking sand of perfection. The more you strive to fit the mold that was given to us by society the deeper you'll sink. I vowed to no longer let what I see cloud my self reflection. It's so easy to claim self love but do you really have it? It's so easy to fool yourself and claim to have something you've never ever grasped. I am getting to a place where I can honestly say that I am happy with who I  am, what I am, and who I am becoming. I no longer have time  for negative thoughts and pessimism.

Negativity doesn't just show up in your life it's something that you allow in. Changing your outlook and refusing to entertain negative thoughts makes room for SO MUCH MORE IN LIFE! Let's all vowe to fall in love with that person you see in the mirror everyday. Let's no longer tear ourselves down by comparing ourselves to the next person. It's easier said then done, I can honestly say I now understand that I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made. My flaws are perfected in Him. 

There's no one in this world like you. You are an original. The best you can ever be is number two constantly striving to be someone else other than yourself. Don't conform to what this world expects you to be. You'll just become a miniture clone living life day by day looking to someone else for validation. It's a battle you'll never win so don't even bother placing yourself in the ring. It'll just leave you beat and battered. It's time to do some serious soul searching and get to a place where we can say ALL IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. 
Now that I'm off my soap box let's get into to this POSH PAISLEY!!!! Everyone knows that I am a huge fan of thrifting. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!! 

Outfit Details 

•Purple Paisley Dress- Thrifted for two bucks!!! 

•Blue Bag- Gifted to me

•Purple Shoes- Target 

Most expensive item I wore were my shoes and those were only $25. The FRUGAL FASHIONISTA strikes again!!! 

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