I realized that self fulfillment is one of the greatest things we can accomplish. When was the last time you did something that made you happy? Something that brought you great joy. We should all aim to please ourselves more than we please others. It's so easy to become engulf with wanting to please other people that we loose sight in what we want. It's okay to take into consideration what others may think but their opinion should never alter your final decision. Especially when you feel that you are doing what's best for you. Now don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer that wisdom is far better than experience. People try to tell you what they believe is best for you to prevent heart ache. I completely understand that reasoning. I'm referring to the people who try to talk you out of your dreams and aspirations. Folks who asks so many questions.
"Well how are you gonna do this?"
"Do you really think that's a good idea?"
"You are some kind of crazy to want to do that!"
Become confident in saying "You may not understand and it's okay for you not to, just trust I know what's best for me at the moment". I've gotten to the place where I am completely okay with telling someone "It's not for you to figure out, that's my job." DO NOT ever let those nay sayers deter you away from those big ideas that you have. Certain circumstances may slow you down a little. Things may not work out as planned but those are just miniature speed bumps, but they should never cause you to stop. Life has its detours that's what makes it so interesting. Those detours may take you places you've never been before. Show you some scenery you've never seen before. Introduce you to some things you would have never thought of.
Yeah those detours may be a longer route but enjoy the ride. We all have a strong dislike for the person in the car constantly asking "Are we there yet?" So why must you do the same thing? Embrace those minature speed bumps and detours, it just gives you longer to plan out your next big "THING". Whatever that may be! Keep constantly working at those goals and aspirations. One day you'll look back and say "Damn I made it."
With Love,
<3 CarrieSierra
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