Little did she know her book came just in time.
Janae Werdlow became a member of the Illustrious Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated the Sigma Mu Chapter Spring 2013 at High Point University where she is now a proud alumna having graduated May 2014. She is the founder of Werdart and JWerd enterprises. Her website is launching soon in September. She dreams of creating a scholarship fund in the remembrance of her mom who passed away when she was only two years old. Her desire is for every one of her books to encourage and inspire. She specifically wrote "Surviving Teenage Battlewounds" to show we are all similar and have gone through the same things. She wants to be an example to all that shows that if she made it through so will you.
Downloading the book I was uber excited to find that it was filled with different topics. As I flipped through the pages I soon found myself highlighting my favorite stanzas and pieces. I felt as if Janae some how read some of my journal and written these pieces just for me. It's so crazy how people in the world are so different but yet so similar. Just think of a quilt. It's sown together with different scraps, different prints, and textures but is sown together so beautifully. We all go through similar situations never knowing it. "Surviving Teenage Battlewounds", is filled with peace and love laying upon each page. It's like a snippet of hope shinning at the end of the very dark tunnel. This book touches on everything one can endure during those trying years of being a teenager even during those confusing young adult years. From love, heartbreak, fears,feeling a sense of emptiness, loniliess, happiness, joy, pain, etc. Anything you can think of Janae has written about it in this book.
I have a few favorite pieces from Janae's book but there's one in particular that really spoke to me. One being called "Fear". Now those of you who keep up with my blog know this is a topic that I have tackled countless times. This is just something that constantly appears on the road to success. It's a little road block that finds its way in my path constantly. It wasn't until I read this piece that everything came full circle for me.
"But when we take the forward march and courage to move on. In spite of our destiny, purpose and what we find in the lyrics of our own song It is then we can be great, in the midst of the storm"
I spent so much time focusing on getting through the storm I never gave myself a chance to fully embrace the storm and be great. I must learn to fully embrace the storm and continue to push through. Where I am is NOT who I am because WHO I am is GREATER than WHERE I am. When you fully understand that concept you will began to dance in the rain. Strap up your rainboots and splash in the puddles during your storm.
It was nice reading that last stanza because it gave me the little push I needed. The little nudge telling me to continue on my path.
I would recommend reading "Surving Teenage Battle Wounds". It is a phenomenal book that's filled with encouraging words and comforting pieces. It's nice to read something and nod your head in agreeance the entire time. This book just proves that we are all similar. Janae is able to connect with us all by sharing her own personal experiences through poetry. I definitely give this book a thumbs up!!! Janae's book can be found on Amazon. You can order the hard copy or it can be downloaded on Kindle. This is definitely something you should have in your collection.