Telling everyone
"O you know I've been getting adjusted to Atlanta"
"I'll blog when I get a chance"
"I've been so focused on other things I'll try to do it tonight"
These were just excuses that were being given. As soon as I figured out what I really wanted do in life this spirit of procrastination started to creep up. Isn't it funny that procrastination and fear came knocking at my door as soon as I figured out my calling.
As if I was getting ready to leave my house packing a bag full of dreams and aspirations embarking on this blissful journey. As I opened my door fear and procrastination stood right in my doorway blocking me from the road I should be taking. Now I can do one of two things. I can allow this fear and procrastination to prevent me from getting there. Go back upstairs and unpacks all of my dreams and aspirations, and just gaze out my window at the path I should be taking; Or I can bust right through fear and procrastination holding tightly to my dreams and aspirations.
One thing I learned about fear is that it's something you gotta bust through. Fear is something that is so micro that we give too much power to. You remember as a little kid those little expandable toys that would grow if you sat it in water. Fear is similar to that, it's something that starts off so micro and expands as our thoughts start to feed it. The doubts we have is the water that's expanding fear. Fear doesn't just come by itself, it brings some friends along. Doubt, Insecurities and Procrastination. Don't allow these things to fill your mind. Never allow these things to expand because when you do you'll never have any space for those dreams of yours. Dreams, Aspirations, Hope, Love, and Faith can not reside in the same space as fear.
"For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power love and a sound mind"
2 Timothy 1:7
Now I can honestly say that I've fed this monster called fear too long and I've decided TODAY that I will no longer be a slave to it. It's soooooo much in life that I have to accomplish, not just for me but for the girl out there who is struggling to know her worth. It's like a light bulb finally went off in my head and I realized what I am called to do and it all started off with this blog. Many of you know that this was solely suppose to be about fashion but some how along the way I started to blog about life and everyday things I'm faced with. Different things that were placed on my heart that I felt the need to share. After hearing such positive feed back, some even calling me inspirational I began to think, "Hmmmm I may be on to something here!"
As time went on I really started to ask God to show me what I'm suppose to do. In this time in the back of my mind I was hoping He wouldn't show me something along the lines of me not working in fashion, but that was me wanting to live for myself and not for Him. Through maturity and understanding I mustered up enough courage to let go of what I wanted and grab onto what He has for me. Over time things started to come full circle and I realized that this dream God placed in my heart directly correlates to what He has for me. Closely examining my life, trials, and tribulations I changed my way of thinking. Everything that I've been through internally wasn't for me but for someone else.
Struggling with identity crisis,insecuruties, self doubts, and many other things was for Him to get the glory and I share my story with the next person. I want to inspire other people, let them know that they are loved, and that they are who they are suppose to be and what better way to do that than through something I love FASHION.
I don't want to just be a stylist but a inspiration. Well known blogger and image consultant speaking self love, self esteem, and increasing self worth one hanger at a time!!!!
I will do so while I share this transparency tea with you all!! Let's all vow to be Great today!! Satan is silly and you've already won. he is no match against MY GOD I got victory and so do you so let's walk in it!!
With love,
<3 CarrieSierra