Around the holidays you see it plastered everywhere. Open your Instagram, Facebook, and pretty much any other social media app there's pictures of couples enjoying each other's company. The holiday season is full of love in the air. Seems like everyone but you has a significant other. Everyone but you has gifts to exchange with their "Boo thang". You sit their wondering where is my knight in shinning armor? Where is my Prince Charming? Why is it that everyone but me is in a relationship?
It's natural for you to feel a since of loneliness at some point because we are human but are you sulking in your loneliness? Are you having a pity party for yourself? You should never let that small feeling of loniliess make you feel any different about yourself. Sulking about your singleness doesn't bring you a man any sooner and it definitely doesn't get you that kiss under that mistletoe. Instead of sulking about being single embrace it. Being single is a great way to focus on yourself and figuring out what you want in life.
I know this for a fact because I know first hand of what it feels like to sulk about not being someone's girlfriend. I know even better the sense of self fulfillment I've gotten out of readjusting my life lenses and focusing on what I want. What can I possibly do for myself that'll push me further to my goals and aspirations. What is the next step in life I can take to elevate me higher than where I am already? It's nice to wake up in the morning thanking The Lord first and then thinking about what you can do to be better than you were yesterday.
Remember life is too short to be sad about temporary things. Man was not made to be alone. Your special someone is out there just be patient. Also everyone's relationship isn't what it seem. That couple you were looking at and saying awwww I wish I had that could be going through pretty hell. As you wait patiently for your significant other get to know yourself a little bit more. Don't just scratch the service but pull back those layers you have and dig deep. Do a self evaluation on yourself because you can't want what you don't already have. The heart that's made to love you will solely be a reflection of
yourself. So with that being said get yourself together as you WILLINGLY wait. FOCUS on God and He will place your heart in the hands of whomever is meant to love you.